VetAbroad Prepares Foreign Vets For UK Employment
Working as a vet in the UK is a very attractive prospect, offering more opportunities for professional development than many EU countries. Lots of vets experience difficulties fitting into UK working life though and simple misunderstandings about laws or culture can dramatically increase the chance of a vet being removed from the RCVS register and left unable to work in the UK.
Many struggle to even find a job in the first place, often because they don’t know how to approach employers. This can be hugely financially and personally damaging as vets experience repeated disappointment whilst their money runs out. VetAbroad aims to prevent this from happening by helping vets to plan their emigration better.
Through its ‘Working As A Foreign Vet In The UK’ e-learning course, VetAbroad gives European vets practical advice about the expectations and differences that life in the UK will present. Split into modules, the course covers everything from registering with the RCVS and searching for the right job to the legalities of the UK veterinary profession and advice on how to interact with UK colleagues and clients.
Provided entirely online, each module features a self-assessment test that examines for thorough understanding of the course material. Fully supported by the RCVS and with linguistic accuracy assured, the course facilitates a smoother transition for vets from Europe who want to work in the UK.
In addition to the e-learning course, VetAbroad can also arrange supervised UK veterinary placements in gold standard practices, allowing foreign vets to experience first-hand the things that the course teaches. A coaching and consultancy service is also available, offering unlimited e-mail contact with an experienced personal tutor to discuss any concerns or problems.
The brains behind VetAbroad, Luis Sainz-Pardo, trained as a vet in Spain and moved to the UK 20 years ago, immediately after graduating. After progressing in his career to the point where he owned his own successful practice, Luis had to return to Spain and took a role developing veterinary e-learning courses.
Through this work, he became acutely aware of the differences between the veterinary profession in many European countries and the UK – something that he saw many vets going to work in the UK were oblivious to.
“To me, it is simple – if vets are fully prepared, then the common problems can be avoided. The services that VetAbroad offer don’t just help those who will be perfect for UK working life, but also allow those who aren’t to realise this fact and not make an potentially expensive and personally damaging mistake” he says.
Successful UK vet chain, Companion Care Vets, now insist that all their prospective non-UK graduate employees have completed the VetAbroad e-learning course. Another large UK vet chain - Vets4Pets - now recommend that all foreign vets applying for jobs with them complete the course.
Many other UK practices have shown interest in following their example. That’s because they recognise the importance of employing vets that are fully prepared for working life in the UK to avoid problems both for themselves and their new employees.
To sign up for any of the services on offer from VetAbroad or to just find out more, visit or e-mail [email protected] . Visit the VetAbroad forum ( ) and Facebook page ( ) to ask any questions. Luis also makes regular appearances around Europe to speak about the services that VetAbroad offers. If you would like to suggest a venue near you, please e-mail [email protected] .
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