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Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research

Animal Healthcare and Veterinary Phytotherapy: Science and Practice

The Pre-Congress-Online-Symposium on Animal Healthcare and Veterinary Phytotherapy will take place on the 5th of September 2021.

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You can register for the Veterinary Workshop without registering for the rest of the congress.

Thanks to the efforts of Dr. Werner Knöss, the local organizer of the Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA), the GA-networking group on Medicinal Plants and Natural Products in Animal Healthcare and Veterinary Medicine was invited to organize again a Pre-Congress Symposium, for the first time and for pandemic reasons online.

To bring together, at least virtually, practitioners, scientists and industry in our field is the idea of our networking group and in particular of the symposium.

The symposium will cover following aspects:

  • animal self-medication
  • ethnoveterinary medicine
  • veterinary pharmacology of medicinal plants
  • science and practice of veterinary phytotherapy
  • clinical, in vivo and in vitro research with medicinal plants or natural products for animals
  • feed additives and animal health care products based on plants rich in phytochemicals

Due to the missing possibility of personally deepened discussions during breaks, the scheduled program includes this year only keynote lectures. In addition, the animal related posters of the main congress will be presented during the Pre-Congress Symposium. A virtual international industrial exhibition with companies presenting herbal feed additives, veterinary drugs and phytogenic health care products for animals will be held.

In addition to the Pre-Congress Symposium a plenary lecture of the main congress focus on our topic: Frederik Provenza will answer the question: After 10,000 Years of Domestication, Can Livestock Still Self-Medicate?

We will also have further contributions like short lectures and posters within the main congress.

Download: Animal Healthcare and Veterinary Phytotherapy: Science and Practice

Link: 69th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA)

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Weitere Meldungen

die neuesten Meldungen

Woche der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung
Royal Canin Foundation
Katze im Transporter
Marcel Burkhardt/Vogelwarte
Drei Fälle von Blauzungenkrankheit (BTV-3) in der Schweiz bestätigt
Thomas Zimmel/VET-MAGAZIN
. . .


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