Gebundene Ausgabe: 540 Seiten
Verlag: Mosby; Auflage: 2nd ed. (2008)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0723434018
ISBN-13: 978-0723434016
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The second edition of "Avian Medicine" continues as a practical, comprehensive full-colour illustrative guide to the diagnosis and management of avian disorders.
With the participation of some of the worlds leading authorities in avian medicine, the book addresses issues ranging from the basic aspects of patient management to the most sophisticated diagnostic techniques; aiming to teach the general clinician how to approach all birds.
A wide range of avian species are discussed in detail, including psittacines, raptors, bustards and many more. Completely revised, the second edition contains extended and new chapter sections with a wealth of new illustrations! including cytology and behavioural osteodystrophy, fluoroscopy and advanced imaging techniques.
With numerous practical guidelines on the medical management of the patient or flock and many useful tips on clinical laboratory diagnosis and suggested treatments, Avian Medicine contains valuable practical advice on all aspects of veterinary care of avian species.
Avian Medicine combines the practicality of a hands-on manual with the wealth of information of a textbook and the highly illustrated format of an atlas, and will be of great use to general veterinary practitioners and avian specialists alike.
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