Buchtipps zur Ophthalmologie für Tierärzte
Fachbücher-Neuerscheinungen zur Ophthalmologie in der Veterinärmedizin
Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology
A user-friendly reference to basic, foundational information on veterinary ophthalmology
Veterinary Ophthalmology: 2 Volume Set
Veterinary Ophthalmology, Sixth Edition is an essential purchase for veterinary ophthalmologists and any practitioner treating ophthalmic diseases
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Ophthalmology
This new edition of one of the BSAVA's most popular Manuals has been extensively revised, drawing on the expertise of a predominantly new roster of authors
Veterinary Ophthalmic Surgery
Purchasers of "Veterinary Ophthalmic Surgery" have at their disposal a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to all types of ophthalmic surgical techniques across all species. Techniques are covered topographically, and species-by-species, with difficulty gradings for each one
Small Animal Ophthalmology: What's Your Diagnosis?
Small Animal Ophthalmology: What's Your Diagnosis? is one of the first books in an exciting new series that combines problem-based learning, case studies, and questions and answers
Augenheilkunde beim Pferd: Atlas und Lehrbuch
Veränderungen oder Verletzungen am Auge sicher erkennen und behandeln - für den Pferdepraktiker setzt dies ein umfassendes ophthalmologisches Know-how voraus
Augenheilkunde. Atlas und Lehrbuch
Das Spektrum der Augenerkrankungen in über 2400 qualitativ hochwertigen Abbildungen!
Equine Ophthalmology
Brian Gilger This comprehensive text covers the diagnosis, treatment, and surgery of ocular disorders in horses
Ophthalmic Disease in Veterinary Medicine
Charles L. Martin This comprehensive, superbly illustrated textbook is aimed squarely at veterinarians in practice and training interested in all types of ophthalmic diseases and disorders. Species coverage is mainly dog and cat with additional material on the horse and the cow. Following an outline of the basic elements of ophthalmic science relevant to study and practice, the author provides a detailed description and discussion of each condition including aetiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, prognosis and therapy, plus a chapter on problem-oriented ophthalmology
Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology
Douglas Slatter Providing the latest information on diagnosis and treatment, Fundamentals Of Veterinary Ophthalmology 3rd Edition gives the essential guidance needed to treat those with ocular disorders. It includes information on drug dosages, diagnostic techniques, systemic diseases, breed predisposition, and more!
Kleintier-Ophthalmologie in Frage & Antwort
Ronald C. Riis Dieses Buch mit 200 Fragen und Antworten zur Kleintier-Ophthalmologie bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre diagnostischen Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse zu überprüfen und zu erweitern.
Canine Ophtalmology
Keith C. Barnett, Jane Sansom, Christine Heinrich Canine Ophthalmology, An Atlas and Text is a superbly produced and comprehensive atlas carrying approximately 300 full colour illustrations. The illustrations guide the reader through the chapters, from examination (essential reading) to the postnatal development of the eye, ocular emergencies, trauma and neuro-ophthalmology (welcome expansions on the main theme). Canine Ophthalmology, An Atlas and Text, has been carefully written in order to complement and reflect Feline Ophthalmology, An Atlas and Text by the same author
Color Atlas of Veterinary Ophthalmology
Kirk N. Gelatt Color Atlas of Veterinary Ophthalmology depicts the common conditions and diseases found in dogs, cats, horses, food animals, and exotic breeds. As a key diagnostic instrument and visual tool for observing ophthalmic tissues in various stages of a disease, the atlas clearly presents photographs and clinical summaries that include history, common clinical signs, differential diagnosis, and recommended treatment
Small Animal Ophthalmic Surgery. Practical Techniques for the Veterinarian
This work is a practical guide to ophthalmic surgey in general veterinary practice providing clear and detailed line drawings to ensure complete understanding of each technique, and it can be used as a quick reference during surgery
BSAVA Manual of Small Animal Ophthalmology
This new edition begins with a clear and concise guide to the examination of the eye. Using the techniques described and the lists of differential diagnoses provided in Appendix I, it should be possible for ocular lesions to be identified and localized with precision
Atlas der Augenerkrankungen bei Hund und Katze
Der Leser erhält mit dem Farbatlas und anhand vieler photographischer Darstellungen einen diagnostischen Leitfaden mit einer systematischen Auswahl typischer und wichtiger Befunde
Ophthalmologie bei Kleintieren
Das Buch ist ein Wegweiser für die Behandlung ophthalmologischer Erkrankungen bei Hunden und Katzen. Es bietet einen informativen Überblick über das Thema. Zahlreiche Abbildungen illustrieren den Text. Wichtige chirurgische Techniken werden Schritt für Schritt im Bild erläutert
Augenkrankheiten beim Pferd
Gebundene Ausgabe - 230 Seiten - Schlütersche Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum: Januar 1998
ISBN: 3877064922
Praktische Augenheilkunde für den Tierarzt
Gebundene Ausgabe - 204 Seiten - Schlütersche Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum: Dezember 2004
ISBN: 3877065449
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